Welcome to Southern Digital RR Hobby
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We are now celebrating our 30th anniversary in business. We have the experience and know how you need to install and maintain your DCC equipped railroad. In addition we have many years experience doing DCC conversions in all scales from Z-Scale to G-Scale. We look forward to serving you soon.
DCC Product
We can provide you with a wide variety of DCC items for your railroad. We look forward to serving and supporting your DCC questions and needs.
More Stuff
In addition to DCC we can support you with a full line of PECO track switches and accessories, Tomar signals and supporting electronics to give you the signal animation that looks great on your layout
After over 25 years converting locomotives to DCC as well as repairing them we can provide you with the type of service you expect.
A Work in Progress
Our company N-Scale railroad is like most, A Work In Progress. We are attempting to model the Coastal Division of the Southern Pacific Railroad between LA and San Jose. The railroad main line is about 8 scale miles incorporating LA (staging) Oxnard, a siding at Ventura, Santa Barbara with a scratch built station and a large yard and engine terminal. Moving on West railroad meanders across the bridge at Gaviota State park then on to the yard at San Luis Obispo (SLO). Once the helpers are removed at SLO the train goes down a large helix and arrives at Soledad then in to staging at San Jose.
Contact Us
- (770) 330-2150